Custom Designed Units
Custom Designed Units
In addition to its convenient line of standard motion control products, High Precision specializes in the design and manufacturing of “custom” designed units, engineered to meet your specific needs. We have over 50 years of experience in helping our customers find the best, most economical solution to their motion control problems. The engineering staff at High Precision have dozens of proven designs to draw from, and are adept at thinking outside the box to find that perfect solution.

Some of the possibilities include:
- Solid-Reverse Torque Limiters: Drive to a controlled torque in one direction, solid-drive in reverse.
- Free-Reverse Torque Limiters: Drive to a controlled torque in one direction, freewheel in reverse.
- Asymmetrical Torque Limiters: Drive to a different controlled torque in each direction.
- Incorporated Motion Control: HPI can often design the required motion control device right into your existing components, saving on space and reducing the total number of parts in your assembly.
- Miniature Designs: HPI specializes in fitting motion control solutions into very small spaces.
- Large Units: Size is no obstacle, our design concepts can be scaled up to suit any application.
- Extreme Environments: From deep sea to deep in the earth, to outer space – HPI has designed and built motion control devices to perform in all kinds of extreme conditions.
- Exotic Materials: There are virtually no limits to the materials we can work with – steels, alloys, stainless steels, hi-nickel, aluminum, brass, exotics, plastics, graphites, composites, etc. can all be incorporated to meet your particular needs.